Recruiting 101

Recruiting is a two way street. Finding the right candidate is vital to the employer, and finding the right employer is just as vital to the candidate. How does recruiting fit into the mix? Does recruiting benefit the employer, the candidate, or both?

The easy answer to the above questions is recruiting benefits both the employer and the candidate. A recruiter’s main mission is to match prospective employers with qualified candidates. The really good recruiters look a little deeper though and try to match the prospective employers with qualified candidates who meet each other’s long-term goals

Not Just Filling Seats

Recruiting is not just about filling empty seats in the office. It’s about searching for qualified candidates who meet an employer’s short-term and long-term needs and objectives. It’s about finding candidates who match the employer’s mission.

It’s this mentality that truly separates the good recruiters from the recruiting pack. And it’s the recruiters who know how to actively go out and pursue potential candidates that really make a difference to an organization, and not just sit back and wait for candidates to come to them. 

Strong recruiters today use tools like social media to their advantage in finding not only candidates searching for jobs, but also finding the passive candidates who aren’t actively job searching.

Recruiters Advantage to Candidates

From a candidate perspective, recruiters may be more likely to put you in front of prospective employers than not. With a recruiter’s networking connections and knowledge of the key openings in the job market, they can place the right candidate in front of the right employer.

A good recruiter will dig into a candidate’s strengths, career objectives, and goals and look to find an employer who meets the candidate’s objectives. Simply placing a candidate in the first open job is a recipe for disaster for the employer, candidate, and recruiter.

Kane Partners

Whether you are a candidate searching for new challenges or an employer searching for your next rock star, contact Kane Partners today.

14 10, 2024

How To Find A Recruiter for Your Business

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How Do Recruiters Get Paid?

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When you're on the hunt for a new job or looking to fill a position in your company, you might wonder how recruiters fit into the picture. More importantly, you might ask, "How do recruiters get paid?" Understanding the financial nuances of recruitment can shed light on the value recruiters bring to both job [...]

9 08, 2023

3 Signs of a Quality Candidate for Your HR Position

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Identifying a quality candidate for your HR position can be very difficult. That's where staffing agencies come in. We work tirelessly to find the right candidate for your position, and an HR position requires exceptional communication skills, strong ethics, problem-solving abilities, and more. The HR department is crucial to handling workplace conflicts, training processes, benefits, [...]

2 06, 2023

Your Ultimate Guide to Hiring and Retaining Top Mechanical Engineering Talent

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4 Tips to Craft the Perfect Job Description to Recruit the Best Talent Possible

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Many things are different than they were about 20 years ago. A great example is recruiting top talent for your open job position. In the past, you could post a mediocre job description and still have highly-qualified candidates contacting you. That is not the case today. Nowadays, recruiting top talent requires a more serious marketing [...]

1 08, 2022

How Headhunters Find the Perfect Candidates

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Do you have an open job position you need to get filled right away? Do you not have enough time in the day to sit down to look through applicants’ resumes and conduct interviews? Lucky for you, there are staffing agencies across the country that can help keep your business thriving. We know that the [...]

28 04, 2022

5 Ways That Recruiting and Staffing Agencies Use Social Media

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When you work with recruiting and staffing agencies, you're expecting great, qualified candidates for your business. While these staffing companies use interview testing and candidate pools to help streamline staffing, they also take advantage of the vast (and growing) social media landscape. You might hesitate when you hear that your newest candidate came from a [...]

24 03, 2022

Recruiting Tips for Hiring Managers

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Running any type of company can make you feel overwhelmed, especially when you need to start handling a hiring process on top of everything else. This can include hiring for IT jobs, manufacturing jobs, JAVA programmer jobs, food and beverage jobs, and much more. Each of these types of jobs belongs to a unique industry, [...]

2 02, 2022

Understanding the Difference Between Credentials and Skills In Today’s Hiring Landscape

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As a hiring manager or human resources rep, it's imperative that you understand how top staffing agency services go about hiring the best candidates for your business. One important differentiation you must recognize is between credentials and skills. With more candidates coming to job interviews qualified in terms of credentials, skills can often slip through [...]

1 02, 2022

7 Qualities to Avoid When Finding a Staffing Agency

By |2022-12-20T13:45:02-05:00February 1st, 2022|Recruiting Process|

When staffing your next high-level position, you need to choose a company that understands your company, your needs, and what you look for in a candidate. Often recruiting methods used within your company take too long and have poor results. Make sure your recruiting company doesn't make the same mistakes. Here is what to avoid [...]

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