Once a management candidate has proven their technical ability, the base requirement for a job in the manufacturing field, they have to prove their critical thinking and decision-making competency. A manufacturing recruiting firm will ask these candidates about their teamwork, leadership, communication, and problem-solving abilities. Keep reading to learn more about three common questions one of your potential employees will hear in their interview.
1. Have You Ever Led a Team?
When hiring for a management position, this is one of the most important questions your manufacturing recruiting firm can ask. The answer to the question will provide insight into how the candidate will or will not fit into your company. Your recruiter will listen for examples of successful, on-time project delivery and effective responsibility delegation. The right headhunter will keep this information on file for you to review later.
2. What Is Something You’ve Struggled With as a Leader?
This is the question that candidates are often hesitant to answer, but the answer is an indicator of the candidate’s reaction to stressors. In the manufacturing industry, any halt in production or the supply chain can cause a major backup, and problem-solving is an important skill for managers to have mastered. Admitting to a time of struggle will show a recruiter that the candidate is dedicated to overcoming hurdles. A great recruiter will listen for creative answers that solve the problem quickly and efficiently.
3. How Have You Used Communication to Solve Problems?
For management candidates, communication is of the utmost importance. A great team has the right skills and open communication with one another. Your candidate doesn’t have to be the world’s greatest speaker, but they should have examples of using communication to solve problems in the past. With 60% of recruiters valuing the culture fit of a potential employee above all other requirements, according to LinkedIn, it’s clear how important communication is to companies and recruiters alike. The staffing agency you choose should look out for examples of great communication throughout the interview process.
If you have any other questions you’d like your manufacturing recruiting firm to ask, don’t hesitate to write them down! The right questions in an interview will lead to the right candidate. Call Kane Partners today if you need help finding your next manufacturing manager. Our manufacturing recruiters will point you in the right direction.