When you have a position open at your company, it’s important to keep in mind what job seekers are looking for in a workplace. Not only are they looking for a job they’re qualified for and something they’re interested in, but they’re also looking for a few different aspects that can make their workday even better. Keep reading to learn what employees today value in their workplace.
1. Great Culture
Many job seekers are looking to join a team who supports them and has a great relationship at and outside of work. They don’t want to just have co-workers. They want to make friends at work, and doing so will help them want to keep working with your team. Improving your company’s culture with book clubs, after-work social events, and holiday parties throughout the year can help your employees feel confident about working for your company. The food and beverage, manufacturing, engineering, or IT recruiter you hire can market your open position with the high-quality culture you have at your company to gain more potential candidates.
2. Work-Life Balance
A full-time job can be stressful for many people, and it’s been an important aspect for many employees to have a better work-life balance. Flexible hours and breaks can make them feel like they have this balance. By ensuring this is a part of your company and written in the job position, they will have increased productivity, they’ll be less stressed, and they’ll want to work harder.
3. Diversity
According to Capterra, companies with an ethnically diverse workforce outcompete other companies by 35% when it comes to earnings in their industry. By hiring a more diverse group of people, you can show you’re committed to DEI initiatives, which is something many job seekers look for when applying for a position. Ensuring a food and beverage recruiter discusses your company’s diversity when contacting applicants as well as networking effectively can have a positive impact.
Here at Kane Partners, our team of headhunters can help you fill your open job positions. By keeping these values in mind when creating a job description, you may be able to gain more applications. Also, with the help of a food and beverage recruiter, you’ll feel peace of mind that you’re getting qualified candidates. Get in touch with us today if you want to start using headhunters to staff your company.