Effectively Negotiating your Salary

While you may assume that salary discussion is the easier part of a job interview, according to headhunters in Philadelphia, it is the one area where candidates often flounder. 

In any case, the salary issue can change the entire complexion of your job interview because ultimately money is a decisive factor for business owners. 

The salary question is also a way for an employer to assess how confident you are about the value that you intend to bring to the company. Both engineering recruiters and general management staffing firms advise candidates to convince the interviewers of your worth before you arrive at the issue of salary negotiation. 


Reserve the Salary Conversation for the End

If possible, try to delay the salary conversation until you are nearing the end of the job interview. 

According to knowledgeable IT staffing agency heads and other recruiting experts, the later the money conversation happens, the greater is your opportunity to demonstrate your worth and impress the interviewer. 

Focus on your achievements and demonstrate your skills and ability before discussing a salary package. Your goal is to show to the potential employer that your capabilities and experience will enable you to add significant value to their business. 

Once the balance has swayed in your favor (when they want you more than you want them), the recruiter may be willing to offer you more than they might have offered at the beginning of the interview. 


Put the Ball in the Interviewer’s Court

When you see that the interview is nearing its end, choose a good moment to ask upfront that you would like to know about the company’s best salary offer. That will most likely prompt the recruiter to come up with their ideal salary range right away, which places you in a position of advantage during a negotiation. 

Experts at leading engineering staffing firms in Philadelphia suggest that you could frame your question about salary something like this: “I believe I can be at par with the best performers in my area of specialization. If we are agreeable on this, I would love to hear your best offer.”


Show that You are Well-Prepared 

HR professionals usually have extensive experience in conducting job interviews, and they sometimes may not open their cards first even when you prompt them. If they make it clear that they want you to name a price, be forthright about providing a salary range you have in mind. 

According to experienced recruiters in Philadelphia, it is always a judicious idea for a job candidate to do some research prior to the interview in order to find out the typically current salary range for your level of position and skills. 

Make sure that you don’t aim too low in the hope that it will show your modesty and the interviewer will improve your offer. At the same time, do not overshoot assuming that the interviewer is anyway going to negotiate down your initial offer. 

When you give a clear and direct answer, spelling out the salary range based on your advance research, it will reflect your seriousness and your confidence before the interviewer.